eBook: "Problem Solved: Processors, Equipment Suppliers Work Together to Overcome 10 Production Issues"

Feb. 16, 2022
PMM collects the popular features showing how processors frequently turn to machinery and equipment suppliers for expert help.

Plastic processors face problems big and small every day. Nearly every solution can be recognized on the bottom line, so whatever time and resources it takes to solve a problem is worth the investment. Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing’s popular Problem Solved series chronicles how processors have solved problems to improve their operations. 

The monthly articles explain how processors frequently turn to machinery and equipment suppliers for expert help. Engaging an equipment expert brings additional knowledge and experience into a plant, saves time and makes it more likely the processor buys the correct machine or equipment for the problem.

Whether you have a nagging productivity issue or come to work every day thinking about continuous improvement, the articles compiled in this eBook should give you helpful ideas. They cover most plastics manufacturing processes but oftentimes what works in an injection molding plant can solve a similar problem in an extrusion plant.

There are useful stories here if you are thinking about ways to make working around hot extruders safer for your employees, adding a robot to speed up secondary operations, reducing the time it takes to clean a mold during color changeovers or attempting two-shot molding for the first time. I hope reading these can make your plant safer, more productive and more profitable.

Ron Shinn, editor

Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing